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That’s a wrap on first series of Weathering the Storm workshops


September 9, 2024

Today’s workshop in Whangārei marks the last Weathering the Storm workshop of our initial contract with Te Whatu Ora to develop and deliver workshops to communities impacted by severe weather events.

The impact of the severe weather events that battered Aotearoa New Zealand, including extreme flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle, went well beyond damaged property and buildings. Many communities and individuals were left dealing with stress, anxiety and the emotional impact for months afterwards.

To support individuals and communities to build resilience and manage their mental health during this challenging time, Te Whatu Ora contracted Blueprint for Learning to create a workshop focused on managing the impact of weather-related anxiety.

This initial contract covered the development of what became the Weathering the Storm workshop, along with the delivery of 20 workshops in communities impacted by severe weather events, or online.

Two women smiling at the camera. Behind them, a workshop is taking place.

Facilitators Suzy Morrison and Kayte Godward deliver Weathering the Storm in Wairoa.

The free 4-hour workshop explores weather-related anxiety and how extreme weather can impact individuals, whānau and communities. It aims to help those who have been personally impacted by extreme weather to build resilience and give tools to people working in communities supporting others.

“Extreme severe weather takes a huge toll on people in affected communities.  We know it causes ongoing stress and anxiety, long after the storm has passed,” says Lotta Dann, Project Lead for Weathering the Storm.

“We are grateful to Te Whatu Ora for recognising Blueprint for Learning’s ability to deliver quality mental health training. Our team has welcomed the opportunity to travel around the motu offering support to people impacted by devastating weather events.”

“Through our post-workshop evaluations, we know the workshop has made a tangible difference to people’s lives.”

“For me and my family who went through the trauma of the Cyclone and didn’t know how to cope with it, it was a worry. Now I think that I will know how to support my family and clients.”

“Glad I attended, even after a year anniversary of Gabrielle, it was really well worth it”.

The mix of people agencies, responders and people affected by previous local weather events – which made for rich conversations including multiple perspectives and experiences.”

The first Weathering the Storm workshop was held in November 2023 in West Auckland. Workshops were held across the North Island and upper South Island in areas that have experienced major weather events, including Kaitaia, West Auckland, Wairoa, and Nelson. The workshop was also delivered online to ensure it was available to people who could not attend in person.

A Weathering the Storm workshop in Dannevirke.

“Weathering the Storm was offered as open workshops, available to anyone who wanted to attend,” says Lotta. “They were attended by a great mix of impacted locals and homeowners, and people from organisations such as district councils, community response groups, community patrols, rural support trusts, family centres, marae, and churches.”

Over 250 people attended the 20 Weathering the Storm workshops.

“The real beauty of the workshops is the wider impact they have on participants’ whānau, friends, colleagues and communities. Participants take away useable tools to support their own mental health, that can be shared and used to support others.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the course. It was extremely valuable in relation to weather related anxiety, but the knowledge and tools are transferrable for any forms of anxiety which is great. I found it useful for my own mental health and will definitely be sharing the ideas with others! The presenters were amazing, and the day was well thought out. Not a dull moment.”

While Blueprint for Learning is not currently offering Weathering the Storm as an open workshop, it is available for organisations to purchase to support organisations and communities in need of support recovering from and preparing for extreme weather events.

Find out more about private workshops

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